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How to Help Storm-Proof Your Assets

12.17.2015 By Elliott Insurance Insurance News

When we welcome the hot season, we often forget that with the arrival of warmer weather come those intense summer storms or a change in the tropics. As if Australia didn’t already have enough on its plate with droughts, bushfires and heatwaves! For some, storm season means a night in watching Mother Nature light up the stormy sky, followed by much-needed cooling summer rain. For others though, it’s a whole different ballgame that can be devastating to homes, businesses and lives with thrashing winds, hail, dangerous electrical activity, power outages and heavy flooding. If this is you, make sure you’re prepared as much as you can be, and though you can’t actually ‘storm-proof’ your life, you can take some steps to help you in case of an emergency.

Make plans

Create an evacuation plan at your home and/or place of work in case a storm emergency hits. This includes outlining where your local community’s evacuation points are and how you’ll get there, as well as details to always follow the instructions of your local emergency services first and foremost.

Maintain your home

By keeping the general maintenance of your home up-to-date, you’re helping to soften the blows of damage should a storm hit. Things like ensuring your roof is in good condition, trees and large shrubs are kept trimmed, gutters are cleared of leaves, branches and other clogging debris, and loose outdoor items are secured can mean less panic and devastation when a storm hits.

Stay connected

Invest in a good battery-operated radio to stay in-the-loop on the latest weather warnings and changes from emergency departments – you’ll need to know what’s happening! Additionally, a fully charged mobile phone with charger is vital to call for help should you need it.

Stockpile essentials

It may seem like the Millennium Bug all over again, but by stocking up on survival items like bottled water, canned food, a good first aid kit, torches, batteries and extra blankets you could provide comfort to yourself and your loved ones should disaster strike. Likewise, valuables and important documents like passports should be secured in a waterproof bag and stored in a safe place out of the water’s reach.

Get insured

Last but certainly not least, if you are not insured, make sure you get covered! It could include home and contents insurance to help rebuild your home and replace possessions, business insurance to get you back on your feet due to lost income during the time you are unable to operate, or in the worst case scenario, life insurance to cover your family should you lose your life. Remember to always speak to a professional broker first.

To help ensure you’re covered in the event of a storm, call Elliott Insurance Brokers today on 1300 635 315 to take out storm insurance and speak to one of our experienced brokers in Perth.